Frequently Asked Question - I applied for a position. When will I hear back?
I applied for a position. When will I hear back?

Thank you for applying. When positions are posted, we have on average 3-4 business days to submit applicants to the Hiring Manager. If you are a match, supplied all required information and documents and applied within the 3-4 business days, your application will be submitted. A recruiter will call you to confirm submission.
The Hiring Manager will review all candidates submitted and may call you for pre-screening. If you are called for pre-screening, please be sure to answer the phone, respond to all questions accurately, and acknowledge Professional Technology Integration, Inc. as your submitting vendor. If you missed the call and received a voicemail, please return the call as soon as possible. After pre-screening, the Hiring Manager will pick the top 3 candidates for an interview. If you are selected for an interview, you will be notified with the interviewing details.
The Hiring Manager will review all candidates submitted and may call you for pre-screening. If you are called for pre-screening, please be sure to answer the phone, respond to all questions accurately, and acknowledge Professional Technology Integration, Inc. as your submitting vendor. If you missed the call and received a voicemail, please return the call as soon as possible. After pre-screening, the Hiring Manager will pick the top 3 candidates for an interview. If you are selected for an interview, you will be notified with the interviewing details.
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